Fast Dictionary Lookup of UTF-8 String in the C# 13 with .NET 9 AlternateLookup

Yoshifumi Kawai
4 min readAug 29, 2024


In .NET 9, a new method GetAlternateLookup<TKey, TValue, TAlternate>() has been added to dictionary-like classes: Dictionary, ConcurrentDictionary, HashSet, FrozenDictionary, and FrozenSet. Until now, Dictionary operations could only be performed via TKey. This was natural, but it became problematic with string keys, as we want to operate with both string and ReadOnlySpan<char>. Previously, when only ReadOnlySpan<char> was available, conversion to string using ToString was mandatory, it allocates new memory even if we just wanted to reference a Dictionary value!

This issue has been resolved with the introduction of GetAlternateLookup in .NET 9, which allows dictionaries to have alternate search keys.

var dict = new Dictionary<string, int>
{ "foo", 10 },
{ "bar", 20 },
{ "baz", 30 }

var lookup = dict.GetAlternateLookup<ReadOnlySpan<char>>();

var keys = "foo, bar, baz";

// .NET 9 SpanSplitEnumerator
foreach (Range range in keys.AsSpan().Split(','))
ReadOnlySpan<char> key = keys.AsSpan(range).Trim();

// Get/Add/Remove from string key dictionary using ReadOnlySpan<char>
int value = lookup[key];

By the way, the usual string Split allocates an array and individual split strings. However, in .NET 8, MemoryExtensions.Split was added, allowing a fixed number of splits on ReadOnlySpan<char>. In .NET 9, a new Split that returns SpanSplitEnumerator has been added. This allows cutting out ReadOnlySpan<char> from the original string without any additional allocations.

To reference keys with the extracted ReadOnlySpan<char>, GetAlternateLookup becomes necessary.

One use case is serializers, which frequently require key-value lookups. In MessagePack for C# that I’m developing, we adopt multiple strategies for fast, allocation-free deserialization. One is AutomataDictionary, which treats UTF8 strings as 8-byte automata. This part is further inlined and embedded in IL Emit and Source Generator to eliminate dictionary lookups. Another is the AsymmetricKeyHashTable mechanism, which allows searching with two keys representing the same target, internally creating a dictionary searchable by both byte[] and ArraySegment<byte>.

// From MessagePack for C#
internal interface IAsymmetricEqualityComparer<TKey1, TKey2>
int GetHashCode(TKey1 key1);
int GetHashCode(TKey2 key2);
bool Equals(TKey1 x, TKey1 y);
bool Equals(TKey1 x, TKey2 y); // Comparison between TKey1 and TKey2

In other words, until now, scenarios requiring dictionaries with alternate search keys necessitated creating custom dictionaries, and for performance, even basic data structures had to be custom-made. However, from .NET 9, this is finally achievable with standard tools.

What’s needed for AlternateLookup is IAlternateEqualityComparer<in TAlternate, T>, defined as follows: (The definition is similar to IAsymmetricEqualityComparer, so I might have anticipated the future by 10 years)

public interface IAlternateEqualityComparer<in TAlternate, T>
where TAlternate : allows ref struct
where T : allows ref struct
bool Equals(TAlternate alternate, T other);
int GetHashCode(TAlternate alternate);
T Create(TAlternate alternate);

The language feature allows ref struct added in C# 13 allows ref structs, such as Span<T>, to be used as generic type arguments.

Basically, this needs to be implemented along with IEqualityComparer<T>. In fact, Dictionary.GetAlternateLookup throws a runtime exception (not a compile-time check!) if the Dictionary's IEqualityComparer doesn't implement IAlternateEqualityComparer. Also, it's a bit odd that an EqualityComparer has a Create method, but this is necessary for Add operations.

Currently, the standard only provides IAlternateEqualityComparer for string. The EqualityComparer typically used for strings implements IAlternateEqualityComparer and can be operated with ReadOnlySpan<char>, but nothing else is provided.

However, what’s realistically needed in modern times is UTF8, ReadOnlySpan<byte>. I mentioned using it for serializer lookups, but the input of modern serializers is UTF8. There's no place for ReadOnlySpan<char>. So, let's prepare an IAlternateEqualityComparer like this!

public sealed class Utf8StringEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<byte[]>, IAlternateEqualityComparer<ReadOnlySpan<byte>, byte[]>
public static IEqualityComparer<byte[]> Default { get; } = new Utf8StringEqualityComparer();

// IEqualityComparer

public bool Equals(byte[]? x, byte[]? y)
if (x == null && y == null) return true;
if (x == null || y == null) return false;

return x.AsSpan().SequenceEqual(y);

public int GetHashCode([DisallowNull] byte[] obj)
return GetHashCode(obj.AsSpan());

// IAlternateEqualityComparer

public byte[] Create(ReadOnlySpan<byte> alternate)
return alternate.ToArray();

public bool Equals(ReadOnlySpan<byte> alternate, byte[] other)
return other.AsSpan().SequenceEqual(alternate);

public int GetHashCode(ReadOnlySpan<byte> alternate)
// System.IO.Hashing package, cast to int is safe for hashing
return unchecked((int)XxHash3.HashToUInt64(alternate));

By default, byte[] is compared by reference, but we want to compare by data match, so we use ReadOnlySpan<T>.SequenceEqual. This achieves fast comparison utilizing SIMD, especially when T is one of several primitives. For hash code calculation, it's best to use XxHash3, the .NET implementation of XXH3, the latest version of the fast xxHash algorithm series. This requires importing System.IO.Hashing from NuGet. The return value is ulong as it's calculated in 64 bits, but when a 32-bit value is needed, the xxHash author states that simply dropping bits is fine, so we can just cast to int.

Here’s an example of how to use it:

// Create a dictionary with Utf8StringEqualityComparer

var dict = new Dictionary<byte[], bool>(Utf8StringEqualityComparer.Default)
{ "foo"u8.ToArray(), true },
{ "bar"u8.ToArray(), false },
{ "baz"u8.ToArray(), false }

var lookup = dict.GetAlternateLookup<ReadOnlySpan<byte>>();

// Assume we have this input

ReadOnlySpan<byte> json = """
"foo": 0,
"bar": 0,
"baz": 0

// System.Text.Json
var reader = new Utf8JsonReader(json);

while (reader.Read())
if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.PropertyName)
// Can search with the extracted Key
ReadOnlySpan<byte> key = reader.ValueSpan;
var flag = lookup[key];


One thing to note is that it’s better to avoid creating AlternateKey with string and ReadOnlySpan<byte>. This would always require encoding, resulting in the worst of both worlds (even if using Rune for allocation-less processing, it's no match for byte[] keys that can be compared with just binary comparison). If you absolutely need both searches, it's better to prepare two dictionaries.

Anyway, this is a long-awaited feature for me! I’ve created dictionaries in various variations many times, unable to use generics for Span support and having to hard-code them. I’m very excited that it’s now available for general use. While allows ref struct has some complexities in generic definitions (maybe automatic assignment would have been fine?), it's an important advancement as a language.

Let's start using .NET 9 and C# 13. It's still in preview, but the official release should be in November.



Yoshifumi Kawai
Yoshifumi Kawai

Written by Yoshifumi Kawai

a.k.a. neuecc. Creator of UniRx, UniTask, MessagePack for C#, MagicOnion etc. Microsoft MVP for C#. CEO/CTO of Cysharp Inc. Live and work in Tokyo, Japan.

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