RuntimeUnitTestToolkit for Unity
Yesterday, I talked about Unit Test on Unity with employees of Unity Technologies Japan.
This framework is used in UniRx and today, I released .unitypackage on GitHub.
You can use this framework on your unity project!
Unity has unit test framework based on NUnit. But it only supports run on Unity Editor. I need deploying iOS/Android to check IL2CPP. And also need to support asynchronous(coroutine) test.
This test tool is simple but works well, you only write simple POCO.
It supports plain test(public void method) and asynchronous test(public IEnumerator method).
Next, register there test classes.
Finally play unit test scene.
Good, that’s all.
RuntimeUnitTestToolkit is used some other my libraries. Currently I am working on a new serializer, MessagePack for C#. It is extremely fast and ofcourse run on Unity.
Next, I’ll report MessagePack for C#. Please look forward to it!